Monday, May 7, 2012

An example of when a person gets repeatedly rejected is when a person applies  to three different colleges and gets rejected by all three. The person applied to Ohio State, Youngstown, and Blueville University. She applied to each one a week apart. A couple months later she saw that the colleges had mailed her back. All three colleges had mailed her back in the same week and all three had rejected her.

She was devastated that she had not got accepted to any of the colleges she applied to. The person felt like a failure and began to think that she would never get into any college just because of the last three she got rejected by. She did not want to apply to any other colleges because she was afraid  that she would get rejected again. Eventually she got over being upset about the rejections and began to apply to colleges again. She ended up getting accepted to one months later.

This example shows a person getting rejected repeatedly by three different colleges. Her emotional response was being really upset and thinking negatively about herself  just because of the college rejections. She later realized that life goes on and that there were other colleges to apply to and just because she got rejected by the first three colleges does not mean that she will get rejected again.

Sorry it was late!!!

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